Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Miss "Deedle" is 1

So my little Deedle turned 1 yesterday. Anyone who has thrown a party for a one year old knows that by the time the presents are revealed the kid could care less, and really just wants to chew on something entirely unrelated to the actual party. So by child #3 we have learned. We had a nice dinner at Chili's with Kris and Randy, where Daphne was totally into destorying what ever was in front of her. Then we went home, and the girls opened her presents for her and showed her how fun the toys were. And then of course the best part, the cake. It took some convincing but once she tasted the frosting the idea caught on. All in all we had a great time.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Jaws… (Insert scary music here)

Okay so, I'm not really talking about the killer shark with the not so scary button eyes, but lately it seems that music is always in the back of my head, or at the back of my mouth. For those not aware of what I'm taking about, it's the saga of my jaw that seems to dictate a lot of my life. Long story–short I have a gimpy jaw and a very jacked up bite. So just to update everyone, things are at at good point and I will be getting braces in the not to distant future. Yeah!!